Thursday, January 6, 2011

mom says..........

why sh0uld we kapel if we can be free like a bird if we single?..........
yaka kta akn asa free if without kapel?...nang la nang TAPI......sunyik aieee...hahahahaha
kadang2 jeles ngk member len bgayut,bmsg2 smbl senyum2 ndh,bSyg2..hahaha nang ada jeles ndh owww p seyes la nang..hihihi ^_^
asa len jak life knek aieee,bbeza!! hahaha kdg best ilak c0z asa free p kdg asa sunyik ilak c0z al0ne p gny mk mlh..hahahahaha
mom says....n0 love c0z mom d0nt want me feel the frust when clash with kapel n make me cry......
mena wak ta mak ya,hahahaha TAPI nk......

im missing u day by day,huh
i w0nder if u ever watching n taking care of me..
i hear u calling me n i turn ar0und dan ku ngk n0thing...
i want u by my side AGAIN hugging n make me laugh...
RINDU glk aieee...i imagine us having those little special m0ment we had...
i feel sad bc0z ur n0t ar0und anym0re....
im missing u day by day...
i understand thats h0w life is...i say s0me come n some go...
i dream each n everyday wat w0uld my life be if u were still here wit me...
i try 2 be str0ng but...i d0nt n0e how long i will....
last i h0pe we see each other s0meday in future n we will be T0GETHER again....BUT....until n0w....

i call u a thousand tme but u d0nt know it...
i wait 4 u 0wez standing here but u d0nt know it...
like a f0ol my foolish love see only u...
u d0nt n0e it no matter h0w much i k0l u....Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

never make s0me1 as ur EVERYTHING bc0z when they G0NE...u have N0THING!!....

hihihi jiwang da jak l0k....:P
da gk mk share t0k..hahahahaha b0san bha..mun b0san ya mala jak t'ngat jak2..huhuhu :'(

n0body understand h0w much i miss u..
i miss h0w much we used 2 talk & i miss all the things we used to d0.....
i try not 2 admit t0 myself that i still wake up thinking of u each day...
i still think of u n i REALLY MISS u....

                    really really really.........missing u!!!
                                               still h0ping that 1 day we will be t0gether again!!!!
                            IMY......... . ♥ღ♥