Saturday, March 26, 2011

kapel...... .

in my age....20 years 0ld....
is that C0UPLE are necessary????
i have n0 answer 2 that type of questi0n......
u n0e wat...
s0metme,kapel are needed in my life...b0ring b0san mcm2 da bila xda kapel...
len jak asa aieee bila ngk dak member2 kae ngn kapel masing2....
rindu n t'ingin ilak mk b'ada dlm situation ya.....
bila ngk dak member on k0l o texting ngn kapel masing2, jeles jak asa aty t0k... =_=
s0metme,masing2 member cta hal kapel masing2....TAPI, cta pasal sapa la???
4 sure,mmng epi bla da kapel.....TAPI....
gney mk bkapel if aty msh kt SOME1.....
gney mk kapel if ngk laki len upa ngk ex kita....
jiwa n asa t0k mmng mber0ntak ilak ingin s0me1 munc0l lam drk t0k TAPI.........
mmng nmpk upa desperate jak tp lam aty wh0 n0e rite?.......
apppuuuu, n0w i juz wait n c jak pa sbenanya jln nk dtunj0k NK ATAS ya k aku....
bila kita suka s0me1 ya gk x suka kita.....
bila some1 suka kita...kita gk n0k x bkenan ngn nya....
add00iiiyyaaaa....kehidupan kehidupan....
wat such a suck life i have n wat the hell fate that i have....h0hohoh0hooho0oho

Monday, February 28, 2011

type of guy i want ;)

“I am the guy” who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning! and every single night to tell you sweet dreams*
I am the guy who will hold you when you’re crying and wipe away your tears.
I am the guy who still thinks you’re beautiful with no makeup on, wearing sweats and a big t-shirt.
I am the guy who won’t pressure you to do things you dont want to.
I am the guy who will show up at your house with soup and a movie when you aren’t feeling well.
I am the guy who kisses you on the forehead.
I am the guy who’ll randomly tickle you just to hear you giggle.
I am the guy who doesnt kiss and tell.
I am the guy who actually LISTENS to you when you talk, and loves to hear everything you have to say
I am the guy who’s excited all day because i’m looking forward to our date that night.
I am the guy who is content to just be able to hold you and wants NOTHING MORE.
I am the guy who can’t help but smile when you walk into the room :)
I am the guy who’ll say i love you first because,...I’m not afraid to say it.
I am the guy who’s perfectly content with staying in and watching movies and cuddling.
I am the guy who won’t lie to you about where i’m going or where i’ve been or who i’ve been with…..y?
I am the guy who gets butterflies when he hears your name.
I am the guy who’s not afraid to tell his friends HE LOVES YOU.
I am the guy who doesnt mess with other girls when i have you.
I am the guy who doesn’t care about your imperfections and loves you more for them, cooking..?
I am the guy who will hold you while we watch the sunset….....................

Saturday, February 19, 2011

g'Gurl in my life....Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

tmn d0rm aku ths sem!!!
jum aku introduce s0rg2 cdk ats ya......
tk0t gurl nk ats belah kiri ya..nk k tud9ng pink ya... ;) tk0t tok gila2 jak palak nya..bla kaka ngn nya o lepak2 ku asa ku kaka ngn didiq jak..xtauk la phl..hihi
kak ieda nk tp tk0t ya..nk k 2d0ng kaler gray ya... ;) kak ieda jenis gila2 n then nya plng tua la antara mek org...salu sur0h mek org tetak2 it!!
gG gdis btud0ng pink nk sblh kak ieda ya..nya kira bff kak ieda la c0z mana2 ada kak ieda tauk ada gg sali..hihihi gG ok2 jak like others gurl..nya t0k kpunyaan sabum keyyhh...0ooppsss,sabum ya nama b0y nya..hahahaha :D
alin member ku sejak dr sklh gk..haha kmk 2 jak gk stay t0gether kt cgek UiTM...
winnie nk k bj kaler ej0 nk ujong sali ya...nya roommate ku sejak ku msk UiTM gk kasya sem t0k sama gk duhal..hihi
zura nk k 2d0ng gray nk d0k dbah ya..kcik nya nk...yup nya nang kcik pn.. ;)
nia nk d0k sblh zura ya nk k bj kaler pink ya..nya t0k lmk dh ku knl keyhh...nang member sama palak la sejak sem 1 gk...

firework dr blt mek org!!!
everytme we w0uld go through many things...s0me sad and epi...gney2 pn cmua ya pasti akn jd kenangan lam life masing2 nk...even knek ku ada teman sBilit yg baru,tp aku xkn lupak dgn kenangan2 BEST tme bilit lmk ku dlk!! hihihi ;)

d0nt cry over the past, cry 2 get over the past...
d0nt smile 2 hide the pain, smile 2 heal the pain..... 

be happy N smile owez keyhhhhh!!!!!
hope every day,tme,sec0nd o what ever la..frenz aku akn owezz btmbh2..hahahaha
jeng jeng jeng....jum ngk k0leksi pic2 mek org yg telah aku edit2..hihihihi
hahaha cian nya winnie...

pelbagai aksi tp tetap wak winnie klihatan kesian....

sesi bwebcam di dlm kls!...aaauuuuwwwww ;)

hahaha best ilak tme t0k..pat mndk aek pns!..kahkahkahkah

see!!! mcm2 jak karenah cdk t0k..hahaha owez nyur0h ku tetak!...thnx u all!!!
sahabat adalah permata yang sukar dicari..
mereka membuatkan kamu ketawa dan menggalakkan kamu ke arah kejayaan...
sahabat juga adalah seorang pendengar, berk0ngsi suka duka dan sentiasa membuka hati nya kepada kita.....

when something really gud happens bc0z u r the 1 i want 2 share it with..
when something troubles me, bc0z u r the 1 who understand me well..
when i laugh n when i cry bc0z u r the 1 wh0 makes the laughter gr0w n the tear disappear!!! 

  s0......conclusi0n nya....0wez SMILE!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Teddy Gram Note Generator

:'( ku rindu ktk orG plh tak or artk tek owww..huhu ijan,ku syg kau glk2!! mak!!!! i really2 need u n0w!!!! WTH bha feelings t0k...
ijan, the day u were b0rn is truly a precious day..thnx 4 being b0rn my l0vely!!
mummy, i need u when i've prblm..u owez make me smile when im sad..i l0ve u damn much mummy...
family ku lain mcm bpk ku,adk ku nk 2 org ya pn aku rindu...if da prblm,mun ngk karenah tak org suw0h ku tsenyum jak...p kdg2...tak org suka nyur0h ku geram bha p its 0k meyh..ku still syg tak 0rg ever after!......


my l0vely family 

owez happy mun ngn si kecik t0k!!
mummy sama papi aku!... ♥ b0th of u!!

byk gk u pic mk tunj0k towk...hahahaha cmua nya family2 aku meyh...jant0ng aty pgarang kalbu aku..without cdak SAPA la aku knek...rite???

hahahaha t0k op c0z bkn kapel..t0k adk aku meyh!
nk uj0ng sali ya adk ppuan ku..ssh kit mk bgmbr tauk!!!

si kecik jant0ng aty ku..ku SAYANG nya glk2!!!

l0ok my mummy!! hahaha n0 komen la..mun komen,byk lak.

last things!! my niece!! s0,gney?...l0ok like "mak wa" (aku) nya jwak nk..haaha


ooiii mbeng did0t!!...rindu kau d0w.mun kau ada ctk sama aku nk nyaman palak,pat ku st0ry2 ngn kau..huhu rindu giler si0tt....b0san kmk 2 nia aiee... I MISS THE 0LD OF US!!! ku mk masa ya blt aiee...ku mk masa ta 3 tetak sama2..ku mk masa tme ku ngs dpn tak org..aku sunyik aieee...shitt bha...du,blt mukah gk kau,hahahaha mcm la dpt nk owww...xsbr mk blt kchng t0k ewwhhhh...mun blt kchng lak komp0m rindu ngn mbeng nia ya,hahaha pa la..nk bgs mun xda asa rindu nk oww...hahahaha WTH of this life n0w...i want my happy life like 2011 tme..hahaha p masa kn pat d'ulang nk oww...that y la kita harus mhargai setiap masa yg blalu knek...jgn jd kdk aku!..appreciate benda nk dh blalu..apa ka,hahahahaha oooiii gulr,we r beautiful n pretty gurl!..get it???hahahaha tp aku x mcm tak 2,beautiful n pretty c0z aku kiut 
gurl!!hahahahahaha :D

sa m0del jak ewwhh...p da bakat ya u... ;)

perasan mcm queen...
best tme!!
nya 2 t0k la phib0r aku!!!
aieee,sama bj 1 free 1 ;)
org byk mdh mek 2 kembar..mena ka?..hahahaha twins ever after!
w0w!...g0ges ewhhh!!!
mem0ry kta 3 aku kn owez ngat!!!


l0vely LALA!!!

Rindu KAU d0e!!!


my friends said!... "forget ab0ut him"
he is happy with other gurl!!!!
im trying but i cant...its really2 hard even i already have new kapel but still can n0t forget his...
what sh0uld i d0???
smpey ku clash blt pn gara2 nya...
huhu d0nt h0w my life n0w...arum bulak smpey ke mimpi nya munc0l nya ngac0 life aku...kira ngac0 la c0z aku mk lupak p still aku ngat...
did he miss me like im miss him????
did he remember me like im owez remember ab0ut his?....
jawapannya...the answer!!!
0p c0z la X, N0PE!!!
nya xmngkn plh kdk pa ku plh..nya knek dh BAHAGIA shila!!! open ur eyes!!!
pa gk kau mk sbenanya...huhuhu i really d0nt no!!!

when he said 2 leave me...
myb i will g0 left f0r a moment...
give him to calm himself...
but at that moment, my heart WILL NEVER LEAVE HIM...
n while im im away from him, i will owez pray f0r him with my tears :'(

huhu :'(

l0ve is when u shed tears,but still cares ab0ut him...
l0ve is when he d0es not care ab0ut u,but u still waiting f0r him with faithful..
l0ve is when he BEGAN 2 L0VE OTHERS and u still able t0 smile n say....

"im also happy f0r u!!!"

sukati k0 gk dh ku...kepak tauk x..eeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><
bulak la mun ku mdh ku x***** ngk nya ngn some1 else nk p pa blh buat..tok dh dugaan nya bha, s0..ku redha jak..myb da hikmah y aku owez mimpi nya,tngat nya..myb TUHAN xmk ku lupak nya li..xhal...bak kata kwn aku..even nya xda gk ngn aku p ku still pat **** nya lam senyap2 nk..hahaha even nya x text aku gk cmua ndh,ku chill jak..hahaha aieee,pa kaitan ka..lawak2....but n0w!!! n0 0ne can replace u in my heart!!!
aku happy ngk kau dh jmpa gurl nk kau xanggap KAWAN kdk kau anggap aku KAWAN nk!!! h0pe u will happy ever after with that gurl bak kata tak 2- IMYSDMLZMVVM!!!
lastly ku mk berangan ngn kau mr.right!...pstk,aku xkn kaka sal kau gk!!!

hahaha benda n0k pnh mek 2 angan2 really happy with u dlk keyhh!!! d0nt woli,ku xkn bdendam ngn kau...ku happy ngk kau happy knek...jaga gurl ya bgs2 keyhh even kwn ku mdh tak 2 juz frenz jak p ku cyk tak 2 lbh dr ya..hahahaha its ok.... ku mst smile owez!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sumthing ab0ut him ♥ღ♥

That is something about 

Just something about the way he move 
I can't figure it out 
It's something about him
Kinda guy that want you but don't need you 
Hey, I can't figure it out 
It's something about him 

'Cause he walk like a boss 
Talk like a boss 
Manicure nails just set the pedicure off 
He's fly effortlessly 

And he move like a boss 
Do what a boss 
Do,he got me thinking about getting involved 
That's the kinda gurl I need 

He got his own thing 
That's why I love him 
Mister independent 
Won't you come and spend a little time 

there's something about 
Kinda guy that can do for himself 
I look at him and it makes me proud 
There's something about him 

'Cause he work like a boss 
Play like a boss 
Car and the crib he 'bout to pay 'em both off 
And bills are payed on time, yeah 

He made for a boss 
Slowly a boss 
Anything less he telling them to get lost 
That's the guy that's on my mind  

His favorite thing to say, don't worry I got it 
And everything he got best believe he bought it 
He gon' steal my heart ain't no doubt about it, guy 
You're everything I need, said you're everything I need 

Mister independent 
That's why I love him's

tak mungkin ada yang dapat menggantikan MU..
kau hanya yang satu....
cuma kamu yang are in irreplaceable...
ku ngaku ku CINTA..ku SAYANG..ku RINDU dn kau jant0ng kalbu ku...
tanpamu ku sayu ku pilu kau dlm fikiran ku..kau mutiara hatiku...

hahahaha bjiwang ndh lowk.....
n0 komen!!!......